by Raymond Filiatreault
Copyright 2003

Chap. 5
Data transfer instructions - Integer numbers

The FPU instructions covered in this chapter perform no mathematical operation on numerical data. Their main purpose is simply to transfer integer data between the FPU's 80-bit data registers and memory. (Other instructions must be used to transfer floating point and BCD data).

Integer data cannot be transferred directly between the CPU and FPU registers.

The integer data transfer instructions are:

FILD    Integer LoaD from memory

FIST    Integer STore to memory

FISTP Integer STore to memory and Pop the top data register

Note that all FPU instructions using Integer data as an operand have an "I" immediately following the "F" in the mnemonic to distinguish them from instructions using other data types.

FILD (Load integer number from memory)

Syntax:    fild Src

Exception flags: Stack Fault, Invalid operation
This instruction decrements the TOP register pointer in the Status Word and loads the integer value from the specified source (Src) in the new TOP data register ST(0) after converting it to the 80-bit REAL10 format. The source must be the memory address of a signed 16-bit WORD integer, a signed 32-bit DWORD integer, or a signed 64-bit QWORD integer.

If the ST(7) data register which would become the new ST(0) is not empty, both a Stack Fault and an Invalid operation exceptions are detected, setting both flags in the Status Word. The TOP register pointer in the Status Word would still be decremented and the new value in ST(0) would be the INDEFINITE NAN.

The content of the Tag Word for the new TOP register will be modified according to the result of the operation.

Examples of using this instruction:

fild word ptr[ebx+8]  ;loads the 5th WORD of an integer array addressed by EBX

fild int_var          ;loads the value of the integer variable int_var
                      ;according to its declared size

fild dword ptr[ebp+12]   ;typical assembler coding to load the value of a
                      ;dword integer passed on the stack as a parameter to a
                      ;procedure (the source file may have referred to it
                      ;using the name of a variable)
(See Chap.2 for integer data types, their addressing modes, and examples of using integer values from CPU registers.)

FIST (Store an integer number to memory)

Syntax:    fist Dest

Exception flags: Stack Fault, Invalid operation, Precision
This instruction rounds the value of the TOP data register ST(0) to the nearest integer according to the rounding mode of the RC field in the Control Word, and stores it at the specified destination (Dest). The destination can be the memory address of a 16-bit WORD or of a 32-bit DWORD.
This instruction cannot store the value of ST(0) as a 64-bit QWORD integer; see the FISTP instruction for such an operation.
If the ST(0) data register is empty, both a Stack Fault and an Invalid operation exceptions are detected, setting both flags in the Status Word. The value of 8000h would be stored at the specified destination if a WORD type, or 80000000h if a DWORD type.

If the rounded value of ST(0) would be larger than acceptable for the integer type of the destination, an Invalid operation exception is detected, setting the related flag in the Status Word. The value of 8000h would be stored at the specified destination if a WORD type, or 80000000h if a DWORD type.

Note: Although these 8000h and 80000000h integer values are stored as "error" codes, the FPU will be treat them as -215 and -231 respectively if loaded back in a data register or used in comparison and arithmetic instructions.

If the value in ST(0) would contain a binary fraction, some precision would be lost and a Precision exception would be detected, setting the related flag in the Status Word.

The actual value in ST(0) does not change with this instruction.

Examples of using this instruction:

fist  word ptr [edi+ebx] ;stores the rounded value of ST(0) as a WORD
                         ;at the memory address indicated by EDI+EBX

fist  integer_var        ;stores the rounded value of ST(0)
                         ;at the memory variable integer_var
                         ;according to its declared integer data type.
(See Chap.2 for integer data types, their addressing modes, and examples of transferring integer values to CPU registers.)

FISTP (Store an integer number to memory and Pop the top data register)

Syntax:    fistp Dest

Exception flags: Stack Fault, Invalid operation, Precision
This instruction is the same as the FIST instruction except for the following two additions:

- it allows storing the ST(0) value to memory as a 64-bit QWORD integer, and
- the ST(0) register is POPped after the transfer is completed, modifying the Tag Word and incrementing the TOP register pointer of the Status Word.

If an invalid exception is detected when attempting to store a QWORD, a value of 8000000000000000h would be stored at the specified destination.

This instruction would be used when the final result of a computation must be stored in memory as an integer, liberating the FPU's TOP data register for future use.

fistp  int_var  ;stores the rounded value of ST(0)
                ;at the memory variable int_var
                ;according to its declared integer data type
                ;and POPs the FPU's TOP data register
(See Chap.2 for integer data types, their addressing modes, and examples of transferring integer values to CPU registers.)